Ahavat Ivrit

Love of Hebrew - אהבת עברית

Torah Scroll - Basics

The Torah Scroll is a "Book" - also called the Sefer Torah, containing the writings from Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

Torah Scrolls - Found in . . .

Ancient Scrolls have been found concealed in the caves of the Judean Desert . . .

Today - where do we find Torah Scrolls? We find them protected, located within Synagogues, worldwide . . .

And within the Synagogue, underneath the Eternal Light, the Ner Tamid, there is a Holy Ark, an Aron HaKodesh protecting them . . .

Torah Scrolls - Ornamented with . . .

Within the Holy Ark – Torah Scrolls are ornamented with accessories reflecting both universal and local traditions, Sterling Torah Cases, Crowns and Breast Plates and Rimmonim and Embroidered Velvet Covers and Yads . . .

Unwrapped . . . on Shabbat and on Holidays and on Mondays and on Thursdays . . .

Torah Scrolls - Unrolled to be read . . .

Unrolled to reveal the parchment, made from animal skins, hand written by Scribes using specially formulated ink, held together by staves – to be read . . .

And Reveal that which was transmitted from Sinai . . .

אהבת עברית

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