Ahavat Ivrit

Love of Hebrew - אהבת עברית

Frequently Asked Questions

Q - When I’m at the Torah Scroll - why do I need to find my reading myself? There will always be someone there to show me.

A – Aspire to one day be a Teacher yourself – whether on a formal or informal basis. Aim so that you will be able to find your own reading within the Torah Scroll, and then help others find theirs.
Q – Why do I need to find readings other than the one reading for my Bar/Bat Mitzvah?

A – Consider the beauty of seeing the Torah Scroll as an integrated whole, and then understanding how your specific reading(s) fit into the big picture of the Torah Scroll, including where they are specifically located. Also, by becoming familiar with readings for your close family members and friends you will be able to help them find their readings in the Torah Scroll. Make a “Family Tree” and include everyone’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah portion.
Q – I only read Torah occasionally, this is not something I need to use every week.

A – Consider using this every week – even when you are not reading Torah – so that you are familiar with the Parsha and Aliyah’s for the upcoming Shabbat (regardless of whomever is doing the reading). Additionally, if you are called up to recite the blessing before the reading of an Aliyah, you can glance down at the Scroll and know exactly where the reading begins. It takes only a few minutes each week, consider creating a new habit and set aside 10-15 minutes each Thursday to become familiar with the columns for the upcoming reading on Shabbat.
Q – I am a Bar/Bat Mitzvah Instructor – how will this help my students?

A – Your student has one or more “Touchpoint Connections” to Torah – including family traditions, Hebrew reading skills, Cantillation ability, etc. Each student is unique and does not have the same Touchpoints to Torah. Learning styles differ. Traditional methods of Torah Reading instruction are rich in the Aural (auditory and musical) and Verbal (linguistic) aspects.

Providing your students with additional Tools that tap into Logical, Visual and Physical (kinesthetic) learning styles will help your students further Connect to Torah. Empowering them to be able to find their readings and understand where the Torah Scroll is currently rolled, gives your students another “Touchpoint Connection” to Torah.

Q – I am the parent of a Bar/Bat Mitzvah – how will this help my son/daughter?

A – Parents give children Roots and Wings. Your child’s Bar/Bat Mitzvah is a time of transitioning from giving them Roots to giving them Wings. It is a time to create new connections with them. Being involved and supportive during their Bar/Bat Mitzvah studies – encouraging them to be able to be comfortable around a Torah Scroll – to know where they are and how to find their readings – helping them to find their readings - learning this together creates new connections with them.
Q – Hebrew is not my mother tongue - the Torah Scroll is a sea of letters and words and I feel anxious and overwhelmed.

A – Reframe that thought – the Torah Scroll has unchanging text that is formatted in a logical manner. As you spend more and more time with the Scroll, you can gain confidence to find your readings. Being able to find your readings and being familiar with the column(s) containing your reading is a new skill that you can master and become proficient in.
Q – Hebrew is my mother tongue – why do I need help?

A – You have a great advantage, you can go up to the Torah Scroll and start reading - however – where are you? Imagine a native English speaker trying to find a specific chapter in a book that did not have page numbers nor page breaks for new sections and chapters. It would still take time and remembering what was “around” the chapter they are trying to locate.

אהבת עברית

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